Archives for posts with tag: community
Photo Credit: Porchlight Coffee

Photo Credit: Porchlight

Today we read on the Capitol Hill Seattle blog about the imminent opening of Porchlight Coffee at 14th and Pine. We at Whimsy are immensely excited about this not only because we love coffee (this is Seattle, after all), but also because Porchlight will be our newest neighbor! Their address is 1515 14th street, while Whimsy is located at 1535.

In fact while Whimsy was walking to the bus stop yesterday evening, we meandered right under the ladder featured in the picture to the upper left. According to the gentlemen in charge of operations, Porchlight Coffee will have a grand fête later this month. Expect Whimsy to be in attendance, gift basket in hand.

We honestly cannot wait to enjoy a coffee and pastry with our new neighbors at Porchlight Coffee – the first of many, we are sure. Welcome to the neighborhood!

View of Capitol Hill From Queen Anne

View of Capitol Hill From Queen Anne

We at Whimsy are very proud to be located in Capitol Hill, the second most densely populated area in Seattle and home to many of the city’s independent, locally owned retail shops – ourselves included.

A bit of history about the Hill:  Before becoming known as Capitol Hill, the area was known as Broadway Hill – aren’t you glad they changed it in 1901? It was developed primarily in the early part of the 20th century, when many of the large houses that dominate the residential part of the neighborhood were constructed. The historic Volunteer Park located in Capitol Hill was established in 1903 by famous landscape architects, the Olmsted Brothers.

In 2009 Capitol Hill is renowned for having an open-minded, active community, as well as for being dotted with unique places where residents can gather to drink locally brewed coffee, eat fabulous food, attend art shows, rock out at one of many music venues, see hard to find foreign films, or simply walk around and take in the leafy sights. Culturally speaking, Capitol Hill is the place to be in Seattle.

But that’s not all this vibrant and – yes – hip neighborhood has to offer. Many events also take place in Capitol Hill, including, but not limited to, the monthly Art Walk, the Capitol Hill Block Party (which we here at Whimsy are looking immensely forward to), and tons of free seminars, performances, and meetings that are always on our calendar. With the construction of a new underground Sound Transit station, expect the Capitol Hill area to continue to grow and change with the influx of new people.

Here are a few Capitol Hill links that Whimsy enjoys browsing:

History of Capitol Hill – From Wikipedia.

Capitol Hill Business Directory – From Yelp!

Capitol Hill Seattle – A blog updated by the community. Focuses on local news, events, and issues.

Capitol Hill Triangle – Awesome local culture blog. Great food tips and photographs.

Capitol Hill Comic – Hilarious send up of the area in cartoon form.